Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Oxmarket Centre of Arts, Chichester

      9th October - 15th October 2011


The Cartshed Gallery, Semley, Dorset

Exhibition 30th September - 3rd November 2011


Country Calling, October 2011

'Miche Gray Newton uses photographs as the inspiration for her oil paintings but then allows the image to blur and drop away, like a fleeting memory.
Gray Newton is influenced by the photo-paintings of German artist Gerhard Richter and explores how appropriation, identity and memory combine in an image.
In Beachcombers the figures are shadowy and spectre like, braced against the cold, trudging, we feel, towards an imagined warmth. Her skill is in rendering the haziness of memory; her paintings are like snapshots of the  mind.

Walkers to the Wedding is based on an old photograph of the artist with her mother, the figures half drawn in charcoal on a canvas that has been saturated in the vivid pink of her mother’s dress. This remembered pink, the fragmented image of mother and child cleverly brings the past into the present.'

Salisbury Life, Autumn 2011, issue 138, p 41

Blackmore Vale, September 2011

Free Range, The Truman Breweries, Brick Lane, London EC1, July 2011
